1. Save up your downpayment
- the more downpayment you have, the better your loan terms
- while you're at it, work on your credit as well, better credit usually means better terms as well. 2. Talk to a lender - Know what you can afford, and how much you want to spend monthly - Don't buy the most expensive house you can afford - Get your pre approval letter 3. Find a good REALTOR!!
- This part is easy, send me a message or give me a call and we will find you your dream home. 4. Time to Shop!! - Vet neighborhoods and make sure it is what you are looking for. - Determine house needs - how many bedrooms, stairs, yard? This is your must have list. You want to make sure when buying a home you set realistic expectations for what you can afford. 5. Put in an offer!!
- Your Realtor will walk you through the process, but this includes submitting paperwork, conducting inspections, negotiating details and getting to the closing table downpayments blog for later?